A team of technologists working with Microsoft and others have produced a 3D-printed painting in the style of Dutch master Rembrandt.
The portrait was created after existing works by the artist were analysed by a computer.
A new work was then designed to look as much like a Rembrandt as possible - while remaining an original portrait.
It was then 3D-printed to give it the same texture as an oil painting.
"We really wanted to understand what makes a face look like a Rembrandt," Emmanuel Flores, director of technology for the project, told the BBC.
After they had been digitally tagged by humans, data on Rembrandt's paintings was gathered by computers which discovered patterns in how the Dutch master would, for example, characteristically shape a subject's eyes in his portraits.
Then, machine-learning algorithms were developed which could output a new portrait mirroring Rembrandt's style.
To limit the many possible results to a specific type of individual, the computer was asked to produce a portrait of a Caucasian male between the ages of 30 and 40, with facial hair, wearing black clothes with a white collar and a hat, facing to the right.


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